And now for something a little different. In this review I’m
going to critique a cartoon I think is a Bad Thing. The main aim of this site ... well, the main aim is to find you something fun and sexy, however there is another main aim which is to get people thinking so we can enjoy the fun and sexy to the full. There is a lot of stuff out there which just channels sexually exciting material in an unthinking way. Obviously you want to get a warm buzz where it matters. However while getting your a thrill, you don't want to feel ill. The reviews on here usually aim
to help you avoid that kind of thing. Eventually though, you will go off, looking for things for yourself. (Oooh, <sniff sniff>, poor li'l innocent thing, I packed you some sandwiches in a red spotted handkerchief, and I put some condoms in for you too - wink.) When you come across material that you're unsure about, don't feel you have to take it on board wholesale, use your brain.
Originally I decided to post this review without the link to the cartoon I am critiquing. I wanted to talk about the problems in it, but not encourage viewing of it. However, comments made me realise I was practising censorship. People should be able to make up their own mind so I decided to put the link in a comment. If you want to look at the cartoon in question, hopefully the critique I offer will be helpful to you in doing so. Please feel free to leave comments disagreeing with my opinion of the cartoon. It's only in open discussion that we can figure these things out.
I was pretty grumpy when I drafted this review, LOL. There is a lot going on in the world which makes me cross. Normally I go Lalala, let's have a larf anyway, cuz if I was to get cross about everything which I think is mean and unfair, it would take a lot of energy. But I let myself go a bit here.