Having said that, there are some really irritating typographical errors. FFS! Get a copy editor already. I can't bear that reading something so good should be spoilt by such an easily fixed problem.
This seems like a good place to make a small remark about editing. There are two kinds:
- copy editing - cleaning up minor typos and grammatical errors. (Or mistakes like writing 'Anna' when you meant 'Moira'.)
- beta reading - someone goes through your story for you and advises you that huge chunks have to be edited out (*sobs*) because they are just a distraction from the main story arc, or that huge chunks have to be rewritten with more descriptive detail, or that the main character is a sadistic basturd not a Dom and you should consider counselling not becoming an author.
Now, back to Anna's Milk.
Earth, wind and fire - this story has got it all, and a great horn section (wink).